Fireworks Flower
The wife and I went to Treasure Island to watch the fireworks last night. Big Mistake. Far too many people, and far too windy. You think I would have learned from the KFOG show that the wind pretty much screws you no matter what you do. This shot was nearly perfect. A little better framing, and no squiggles would have been great. But seeing as the front page of the Chronicle today had a shot that was a squiggly too, I guess I didn't do that bad. The biggest regret I had last night was not making sure the car was filled up with gas as we sat in traffic for nearly ninety minutes (yes 9-0) trying to get off the island. We ended up going into the city to get gas, then headed back to Berkeley. All told it took us about 2 hours to get home which is about 10 miles away. I will never, ever again go to TI to shoot the fireworks ever again. I'll stick to the Berkeley Marina, especially since I couldn't get a nice background like I could at KFOG.