Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moo-Moo Chanel

Maui Chanel, originally uploaded by Maltphoto.

Just got my new Stobist kit, so I was messing around testing it out to make sure it worked. No idea what I was doing, but a few of these turned out ok. I don't like the large shadow covering her collar, but overall was pretty pleased with the results. I'm looking forward to going through the lighting 101 and the on assignment tutorials and learning how to get the most of my off-camera lighting!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The truth is out there

The truth is out there, originally uploaded by Maltphoto.

This was taken last October when the Blue Angels were in town. Didn't get many great shot of the Blue Angels, but managed to get this one from the top floor of our office building. Recently went back and decided to do a conversion to black and white and was pretty pleased with the results. I think this one definitely makes it into next years calendar!