Tuesday, May 15, 2007


KFOG KaBoom, originally uploaded by Maltphoto.

Kelley and I went over to Treasure Island on Saturday to watch the fireworks. We stopped at Trader Vics along the way for dinner and drinks then headed out a little more than an hour before the show to scope out good viewing locations. We found one up at the top of Yerba Beuna Island with a great view of the Bay Bridge. We decided against it, though as you can see from Canbalci's shot here, it was still a great spot to view the fireworks. We may go there next year.

So instead, we headed back down to Treasure Island and set up near the pier that juts into the water. The wind made it pretty cold, but we both brought hats, so it wasn't that bad. The fireworks were spectacular, as well as the soundtrack, but my photos were only so so. This one came out the best, as most of them had squiggles resulting from camera shake as the wind blew.

I learned a few lessons about photography this weekend, most notably, that once you take the memory card out to download your shots, make sure you put one back in. We went for a hike on Sunday morning, but my memory card was in the card reader, not in the camera. I also learned to double check my ISO settings. I was handholding some shots and upped the ISO to 800, but forgot to set it back down to 100, so I think some shots could have been salvaged, but instead they were blown out. All in all, a decent photo weekend. I converted this shot to black and white and have an 8x10 coming so I can frame it.

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